Friday, November 23, 2007

post-Thanksgiving day

Well, I'm writing from my Grandpa's house in Sioux Falls, SD, still recuperating from a very pleasant thanksgiving day. Evidently I was tired since I went to bed last night at 12 and woke up at noon. I never used to sleep in that much, but these days I seem to be better at relenting when appropriate, and not pushing myself too hard. Good life lesson, I'm finding.

It was great to see the whole dad's side of the family, many of whom I hadn't seen since last spring. We had a graveside service in memoriam of my grandmother, killed in a car accident 13 years ago. Through some strange mishap, her ashes were never scattered by the funeral home as they were supposed to. It must have been a very bizarre phone call for my grandpa to receive just months ago -- "Yes, Mr. Peasley, we are calling to inform you that your wife's ashes have not been scattered and are sitting in a box on our storage shelves." So we had a "second," informal service, partly for the sake of the 6 grand kids who hadn't been born when she died. The air was cold and crisp, the sky cloudless and bright.

I've made my attempts at completing my 12 source annotated bibliography on King Lear, though have found my mind replete with distractions, the most prominent being the prospect of going into the Peace Corps after graduation, and how that provokes me to scour every blog I can dig up on web about the stories of others. Strongly considering that puts a lot of things into perspective.

Its been a family tradition to drive around during the holiday season an 'ooh' and 'aah' at Christmas lights around town. I used to hate it and think it was boring. Tonight I can't wait to go.


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